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Star The Magic Rabbit

Star the Magic Rabbit really is the fan favourite. Everyone star meets falls in love with him!

Star was born in May 2017 and started living with Jake at 8 weeks old in July 2017. Star is a Mini Rex cross Lion Head Rabbit. Which means he is big, fluffy and soft!

Star fitted in to his new home very quickly and started to learn and rehearse his magic for Jake's shows. Star was and still is a very quick learner!

Unfortunately in September 2021 a lump was found on Stars shoulder and a trip to the vets confirmed it was an aggressive tumour. It was removed successfully and they found out that luckily it wasn't cancerous but only 2 months after the operation it was discovered that Star had another tumour in the exact same place.

Not wanting to put Star through surgery again, Jake had to make the difficult decision to retire Star from all shows, although Star is no longer performing he is still a massive part of Jake's family.

Star loved meeting all the children and adults at different shows and he wasn't happy until he'd met everyone!

At the end of Jake's magic show star always sat in his favourite place- his very magical Top Hat! Star would and still will sit in the hat for hours and couldn't wait to sit in there so all of his fans could have photos with him!

Star is still enjoying life at home in retirement and is still his cheeky self and Jake will ensure that Star will lead the best possible life in retirement.

Star sadly passed away peacefully at home on the 24th January 2022.

Jake's Services